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That suede couch is your pride and joy. It’s sumptuous, comfortable, and perfect to cuddle up on during autumn evenings. Then the unthinkable happens: you spill water on it. Now that beige suede couch is blighted by an unsightly dark spot.

Don’t panic! We’ll have that water damaged suede sofa looking like new in no time.

Don’t try and clean a water stain on suede when it’s wet

The first step when cleaning a suede sofa is to let it dry for 24 hours. Never try to sponge it or soak up the water. If you do, you’re likely to spread the stain. The secret is to keep the water stain contained.

Rub the dried stain away

Use a suede eraser, and gently feather the edges of the stain. As the water mark starts to disappear, continue to feather the edges, moving in slowly. A clean, damp sponge can be used if you don’t have a suede eraser.

Brush to restore the surface

Finally, brush your suede sofa with a lint brush. This will return the sofa to its original textured look.

What about more stubborn stains?

If you’ve got a more stubborn stain on your suede couch, first use a suede eraser. The small particles from it will lift the stain from below the surface of the suede. They can then be brushed away.

A metal suede brush used in a circular motion with a little pressure will remove dried stains, and texturize the suede.

If remnants of staining remain, wipe with a slightly damp towel. You don’t want to make the suede too wet, but simply enough to lift the stain.

Using suede cleaning solutions

If you decide to use a suede cleaning solution, always:

  • Read the instructions and follow them exactly
  • Test the solution on a small, hidden piece of the sofa to make sure it will cause no damage

Whichever method of cleaning you use on your suede couch, take things slow and easy. Suede is a durable but easily damaged material, and best treated gently. 

For more cleaning tips or to request a free quote for your cleaning and restoration needs, contact Porter's Cleaning. We’re available 24/7, and we’ll be happy to help you get your home, carpets, and furniture back to their original condition.

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